Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Swatch this!

Here's my swatch; this stuff knits up beautifully! The deep rust color has more deep red/deep rust in it; the lighter colors on the side aren't that over-bright, either. In fact, they're really only about that color deep into the grey, and a bit less saturated; they then lighten up nicely from there! I wanted to show the richness and depth of the deep colors, though, so in order to do that everything else ended up a bit too intense. (Sorry, I just LOVE how this really looks! This gives a good approximation of it, though!)

I'm now calling the project, Incan Waves (she says, waving madly at you!)


Grace said...

the colors are totally awesome!!!!

kellygirl said...

Mmmm, gorgeous colors. Is that the sonata? I loooove how it is knitting up!

lindaloveslace said...

I love those colors, reminds me of the fall!

Allison said...

It looks great! It is a fun pattern. I've only got about 17 more rows to go . . . .

Sarebear said...

yep, it's the sonata print, Incan Clay.

Thanks ladies! It's so delicious looking as I knit, I get hungry. Lol.

Wow, allison! Can[t wait to see.

This yarn has made me fall in love with it. I'm going to get more colors, don't know if I'll do another PW or another pattern that's good in variegated . . .