Friday, May 11, 2007

Hi !! Newbie Warning

Hi, Everyone, Oh my goodness ! What beautiful shawls ! You ladies should be very proud of yourselves. I only hope I can knit one.

I am having a problem tho. I can't get the Luna Pattern to download. It keeps sending me the 'can't go to this page' error.

Also, could someone suggest a pattern for beginner/intermediate?
I got my ' swallowtail pattern' yesterday and tried the cast on. LOL !! I was Stumped !

I have faith in myself tho. Not a quitter !

Thanks for inviting me to the group. I can't wait to get started on a shawl.......Star


Patricia said...

If you would send me your email address I could send you the pattern as an attachment. I think that the sunray is an excellent beginner shawl, also Charlotte's Web is another great one. Here's my email address
let me know if you would like me to send you the luna patter via email.

Veronica said...

I'm in the same newbie boat you are. You can do it! I'm attempting the moonlight sonata shawl to go with a polka dot dress.

Star said...

Thanks Veronica... That shawl is beautiful and will look great with polka dots! And Patricia, thank you too! I finally got the pattern to download.
I am a computer 'idiot'! I did something mean to this poor thing. When I try and use the tools they come up invisible and I have to scroll down to make them appear!
I am taking your advice and using my lemon cake for the sunray shawl. It is gorgeous too. ALL of them are !! Thanks again.
Oh , one more thing , I'm not too familiar with the 'blog' so if I do something wrong , please help me!! Mine is a mess!!

smariek said...

Happy to hear you managed to download the Luna Moth pattern. I'm working on that one too, and think it's a good beginner shawl. I've finally gotten into the rhythm of the pattern. Looking forward to seeing your shawl.