Monday, May 7, 2007

Incan Clay Yarn pR0n!

My gorgeous, delicious, beautiful Incan Clay Sonata Print yarn arrived today! Take a look at THIS!
I just LOVE it! I was afraid it might turn out to be too Halloweeny, but the light grey has a tinge of blue in it, and the dark grey has a breath of brown, I think. The russet, peach, and apricot clay colors are nice as well. Here's a bit better representation of the colors:

More at my blog.


Arielle said...

New yarn day = Happy day! I can't wait to see how the colorway "waves up" in the pattern. Enjoy your knitting : )

Billie said...

Yes, I'm anxious too to see the print Sonata done up, (said the owner of a couple of Sonata colorways). You probably mentioned it already (or maybe on your blog?), but I can't remember which pattern you were planning on, Sarebear. I'll go snoop around and see if I can find out your plans, but be sure to post a pic as soon as you've got something growing on them thar needles!

kellygirl said...

That yarn is gorgeous. I'm looking forward to a progress shot too.

jayne said...

Love the yarn!

smariek said...

I don't think it is Halloweeny at all. What are you planning to do with this yarn?