Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My Luna so far...

Here it is, first of May! Although I have had a bad case of cast-on fever lately, I have still managed to get a bit done on my Luna, which is from Paton's Classic wool, and probably about as big now as the original shawl. I am making mine bigger. It is cool how, unblocked, it is sort of even more shaped like a Luna Moth.

I wouldn't call this blocked. I just sort of pinned it out, dry, to see what it looks like. I want to make it much bigger - I want a really cozy shawl out of this. I may have to go try to find the same dye lot....


Suzann said...

Looks beautiful T, I don't remember seeing that Green last time I was shopping for some Patons Classic. But it is perfect for the shawl.

Svetlana said...

Oh, this one is gonna look like a real Luna Moth! very pretty!

Anonymous said...

The green is gorgeous in the Luna Moth.

smariek said...

It looks great! How many yards of Patons Classic Wool did you use?

kellygirl said...

Great progress! I love the color. I think I even have a few skeins of that somewhere round here.

Arielle said...

It looks great already! Enjoy knitting the rest of your shawl :)

LisaW. said...

Wowzola! that is gorgeous. perfect color for the Luna! thanks for stretching her out so we can see the pattern. absolutely stunning! I can't wait to finish SunRay and start my Luna. Hey, I have some of that color Patons if you can't find it...i think 3 skeins.

Gryffinitter said...

thanks, everyone! Marie, so far I have used one and one half skeins of the Patons Classic Wool, which is equal to three skeins of HW. (About 330 years or so?) I pinned it out rather casually but it was almost exactly as long as the finished shawl in the pattern called for.

I actually have another half ball of this color, but it is a tiny bit paler - different dye lot. Of course, matching dye lots would be easier if the baby had not taken to ripping off ball bands as a little hobby... I am going back to the store I got this at and see if they have any more of the dyelot that started with a 15, which is all I can remember... Thanks for letting me know, you have some, Lisa, if things get desperate I may call on you.

benne said...

T, that's beautiful! Keep knitting, girl, that shawl is you!